
Modern JavaScript Commands And Elements

JavaScript Commands, Elements, and Techniques

These commands and elements demonstrate the advanced capabilities that modern JavaScript offers. They play a crucial role in building responsive, interactive, and feature-rich web applications. Modern projects combine these APIs and features to deliver experiences that are fast, secure, and increasingly more powerful .

Here’s a list of JavaScript commands, elements, and techniques commonly used in modern and advanced projects, along with brief descriptions and examples (without code):

1. let, const, and var:

2. Arrow Functions (=>):

3. Template Literals (``)

4. Promises (Promise):

5. async and await:

6. Modules (import / export):

7. Destructuring Assignment:

8. Spread Operator (...):

9. Rest Parameter (...):

10. Classes (class):

11. Event Listeners (addEventListener):

12. DOM Manipulation:

13. Local Storage & Session Storage (localStorage, sessionStorage):

14. Form Data Handling (FormData):

15. Fetch API:

16. JSON (JSON.parse, JSON.stringify):

17. Map, Filter, Reduce:

18. Set and Map Objects:

19. Symbol:

20. Iterators and Generators:

21. Promise.all / Promise.race:

22. Nullish Coalescing Operator (??):

23. Optional Chaining (?.):

24. Custom Events:

25. Service Workers:

26. Intersection Observer:

27. WebSockets:

28. Canvas API:

29. Shadow DOM and Web Components:

30. Proxy:

31. Intl (Internationalization API):

32. MutationObserver:

33. Geolocation API:

34. History API:

35. Drag and Drop API:

36. Clipboard API:

37. Touch Events:

38. Pointer Events:

39. Resize Observer:

40. Notification API:

41. Vibration API:

42. Device Orientation & Motion API:

43. Web Workers:

44. Shared Workers:

45. WebAssembly (Wasm):

46. IndexedDB:

47. Push API:

48. Media Devices API:

49. AudioContext & Web Audio API:

50. Canvas API (Advanced):

51. SVG Manipulation:

52. Streams API:

53. Pointer Lock API:

54. Gamepad API:

55. Battery Status API:

56. Fullscreen API:

57. Content Security Policy (CSP):

58. CSS Custom Properties with JavaScript:

59. Web Animations API:

60. Bluetooth API (Web Bluetooth):

61. Sensors API:

62. Beacon API:

63. Credential Management API:

64. Web NFC (Near Field Communication) API:

65. AbortController API:

66. Content Indexing API: