Baby Boys | Spark9026


TuTu Shop-Gautam Mahavir - Baby Clothing Co. presents the online store offering online shopping for infants and young children. Whether you are looking for baby boys clothing, baby girls clothing, or even baby safety clothing, our online store offers a range of top brands 

Good Thoughts

Whoever is reading my comment, we are all unknown to each other. But still I pray to God that if there is any tension going on in your life right now, then it should go away. May you all be happy 🙏🙏 #SPARK90262

The world will laugh at you when you are working like crazy, no one is with you in the struggle, but God will be calculating you. It is late, but the rising sun will be waiting for you in the dark. Loss is accepted by those who have no blood, my friend no one is great without struggle.


Seeing this supernatural sight, there has been a lot of happiness in all the three worlds, all men and women, sur, asuras, deities, sages, Gandharvas were pleased. There is enthusiasm in the whole universe, the divine light has been ignited, in future also keep showing such scenes for the welfare of the universe, the three worlds will remain indebted to you.


ये अलौकिक दृश्य देखकरतीनों लोकों में बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई है, समस्त नर-नारी, सुर, असुर, देवता, मुनि, गन्धर्व प्रसन्न हुए। पूरे ब्राहाण्ड में उत्साह है दिव्य ज्योति प्रज्ज्वलित हुई है, आगे भी सृष्टि के कल्याण हेतु ऐसे दृश्य दिखाते रहें  तीनों लोक आपके ऋणी रहेगें।🤣🤣🤣


Who is the enemy, Who is the friend, Relationships become -where, Which is destined.

कोन किसका रकीब (enemy) होता है, कोन किसका हबीब (friend) होता है बन जाते रिश्ते -नाते जहा जिसका नसीब होता है|

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पति और पत्नी 

Husband And Wife

अंत में हम दोनों ही होंगे    In The End We'll Both Be

माँ की भूमिका 

Mother's Role

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